Did you know 4-H members could fund camp, conferences and 4-H sponsored trips and projects with Growing Clover? We are excited to partner with 4-H and families to help increase participation in 4-H camp by making it more affordable for everyone.
So we know what you're asking right now -- How does it work? It is so simple, we create the funding page for 4-H’ers to communicate with friends and family via text, social media and email!

Best part is your supporters receive a Growing Clover Travel & Savings Membership, with deals to hundreds of local and national retailers and restaurants including a $100 travel voucher for hotel stays.
Check out these simple tips for a successful fundraiser.
Tell Your Story
Explain why people should give to your Growing Clover page. Provide a photo and a paragraph about yourself to your county 4-H professional to add to your page.
Want to share a successful campaign via email, social media or text? Consider answering a few of these questions -
Are you a seasoned 4-H member -- What do you love about 4-H?
Is this your first 4-H event -- Why do you want to attend this camp or trip?
What do you hope to learn at this 4-H event?
Share Your Story
Once your page is set up, it’s time to share it with the world!
Making your messaging visual will get people’s attention with these ideas:
Photo - Pictures of you at an event in the past, in a 4-H t-shirt, or encouraging supporters with a thumbs-up or a handwritten THANK YOU!
Video - Post a video of you thanking supporters. Don’t forget to tag them in your post!

Stay Engaged - 3 simple steps
1.Post your campaign page to all of your social outlets. Then ask them to share your posts.
2.Email (or ask your parents to) family, friends and coworkers. Ask them to email it to 5 friends.
3.Text your link, too!

Ideas for Social Media Posts:
Post often and at varied times, using different stories and photos.
Keep people informed! Build excitement and invite others to be a part of it.
Did you receive a big amount? Post about it!
Did you get five people to support you in one hour? Post about it!
Are you halfway to meeting your goal? Post about it!
Saying Thank You
Your supporters will receive a 12-month Growing Clover savings membership.
However, lets personalize your thank you for supporting your efforts and goals...
Tag them in a post, write a handwritten thank you note, or give them a call or text to say thank you for supporting your efforts and your goals.