Since launching Growing Clover in 2018, we have been thrilled with the number of
4-H professionals from across the country that have used it to grow their local 4-H programs.
We think learning from others’ experiences is an awesome way to grow. Over the next few weeks we’ll be sharing interviews with some rockstar 4-H professionals who are paving the way for others to participating in Growing Clover.
I am so excited to share Nicole’s experiences with you. Nicole is a 4-H educator from Bernalillo County, New Mexico and we had the pleasure of meeting her at the 2018 NAE4-HA Annual Conference. She is full of enthusiasm for 4-H and was the very first 4-H Agent in her state to participate in Growing Clover. Thanks for being a go-getter Nicole!

(Nicole Jaynes, far right)
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
I’m Nicole Jacobs and I have been a 4-H Family and Consumer Science Agent since June 2016. I work in Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
What goals did you make and how did Growing Clover assist you in achieving those goals?
We have used Growing Clover in our county 4-H program to help our Horse Bowl Team fundraise for the Western National Roundup in Denver, Colorado. Growing Clover helped us fundraise for the meals for all four of our team members.
What features of Growing Clover have you loved?
We love SO much about Growing Clover. Everything is digital and easily accessible through phones, which really speaks to the way our 4-H members communicate. They are able to text or blast out links on social media.
The staff at Bloom has helped us with marketing resources and are extremely friendly.
The profit margins are far beyond any other fundraiser we’ve done. So much of the funds donated or spent on discount cards come back to the county program. We get a lot more funding for our time!
Lastly, because everything is online, no one has to physically handle cash or checks so it’s a lot more secure with a LOT LESS paperwork. That has been the biggest blessing for us from an administrative side. Everything is accessible as long as we have internet and having staff to help us calculate the funds and what we are receiving, instead of tracking it all on different spreadsheets is so awesome!

What are your tips for success?
Remind youth frequently about posting their link and explain the details of the fundraiser in person with both youth and parents present so everyone is on the same page.
Did you come across any pitfalls that are critical to avoid? If so, what were they and what would be a better approach?
I wouldn’t necessarily call it a pitfall, but I would have liked to have had more time to fundraise and to explain the concept of crowdfunding and the membership cards more in depth to parents.
What would you tell a fellow colleague who was considering signing up for Growing Clover?
The sooner you sign up the better! It is seriously the easiest and most stress free fundraiser I’ve ever done!